I have changed my colors, first of all. I've switched from N scale to HO scale, for various reasons. The MAIN reason is, I have moved from Georgia to Connecticut (from my wife's home to my parent's home) and had not expected to stay up north as long as I have. I left ALL of my N Scale stuff in Georgia.
The next reason is that after buying a loco and then a DCC control system (Prodigy Advance detailed elsewhere in my bolg), I was never able to afford a DCC decoder and installation (since I accidentally bought a loco that was not DCC ready).
I came into a deal that I could not refuse and landed myself an HO locomotive with DCC installed. The deal was, that loco (in original packaging) to me in exchange for a single hand-built flat car made by myself (my first EVER, mind you..).
The loco is a Roundhouse 2-8-0 with ATSF roadname and numbers (599). The loco includes a Train Control System's (TCS) T1 DCC decoder. I also have an extra TCS T1 that is burnt out and TCS has said that they will replace it for me. I do not have photos of the loco currently, but when I eventually do, I will edit this post.
Here is the HO scale "Ruby Basin Timber Trestle (AHM 5824) that I just bought off of Craig'slist for $15 + $5 S&H. The trestle is over 20 years old and is complete and still in the original box, with no visible shelf wear.

Max finished dimensions are:
1 real inch = 7.25 scale feet
26" = 188' long
11.5" = 82' high
5.25" = 38' wide
There are 24 'bents' or legs for the trestle that range in height from 1.5 inches to 11.75 inches. There are also 3 water barrels for fire control and three ladders for escaping fires.

I haven't any glue yet so I can't do much with the trestle just yet. I intend to make a diorama out of solid foam to mount the finished trestle in and display it and a locomotive I have.