Born "Michael William Henry Renaud" on 28 January 1980, Mike was raised in a small town in Connecticut that even his own parents had never heard of. By the time he was 4 he was wearing glasses and was promised he would only need them until age 8, that, however is another story.
On his 6th birthday, the NASA Space Craft "Challenger" disintegrated 73 seconds into its flight over the state of Florida killing 7 occupants including one Christa McAuliffe, a school teacher from Concord New Hampshire, but that is another story.
At age 8, one of his infamous projects led to him cutting the last inch of his left thumb and thumbnail in half along the bone. This event in his life spawned the short lived nickname "3 Thumbs" as well as the phrase "...I F****D Up, BIG time!". THAT however is another story.
Around age 13, he was the first student at his middle school to test the newly adopted Zero Tolerance Weapons Policy. He was grounded for 2 weeks. Don't ask.
At 15, his older brother in trying to find something in common with him tried to teach him how to drive. Uncle Skip's Olds was never the same after that and neither was Dad's Courier pick-up. Again, don't ask.